Michigan – University and College List

The following is a list of Universities in the state of Michigan:


List of Community Colleges in the state of Michigan:

  • West Shore Community College
  • Wayne County Community College District
  • Washtenaw Community College
  • Southwestern Michigan College
  • Schoolcraft College
  • Saint Clair County Community College
  • Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College
  • Oakland Community College
  • Northwestern Michigan College
  • North Central Michigan College
  • Muskegon Community College
  • Mott Community College
  • Montcalm Community College
  • Monroe County Community College
  • Mid Michigan Community College
  • Macomb Community College
  • Lansing Community College
  • Lake Michigan College
  • Kirtland Community College
  • Kellogg Community College
  • Kalamazoo Valley Community College
  • Jackson Community College
  • Henry Ford College
  • Grand Rapids Community College
  • Gogebic Community College
  • Glen Oaks Community College
  • Delta College
  • Bay Mills Community College
  • Bay de Noc Community College
  • Alpena Community College

Overview of select Michigan student aid options:

  • Children of Veterans Tuition GrantThe Children of Veterans Tuition Grant (CVTG) was previously called Education of Children of Veterans, Public Act 245 of 1935 and was administered and funded by the Michigan Trust Fund. In 2005, CVTG was established under Public Act 248 to provide an undergraduate tuition program for children of certain deceased or disabled members of the armed forces of the United States.The program is designed to provide undergraduate tuition assistance to certain children older than 16 and less than 26 years of age who have been Michigan residents for the 12 months prior to application. To be eligible, a student must be the natural or adopted child of a Michigan veteran. Stepchildren of the veteran are not eligible. The veteran must have been a legal resident of Michigan immediately before entering military service and must not have later resided outside of Michigan for more than two years; or the veteran must have established legal residency in Michigan after entering military service.

    Students may receive scholarship assistance for up to four academic years for a total of up to $11,200. Awards are for an academic year with the amount determined by the student’s enrollment status. Full-time students can receive up to a maximum of $2,800 per academic year.

  • The Michigan Competitive Scholarship

(MCS) program is available to undergraduate students pursuing their first degree at an approved Michigan postsecondary institution. Students must demonstrate both financial need and merit.

Eligible applicants must achieve a qualifying SAT score of at least 1200 prior to entering college. (NOTE: Prior to
the Class of 2017, eligible applicants must have achieved a qualifying ACT score of at least 23 (composite) or 90
(scaled score) prior to entering college.)

Applicants must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students whose FAFSA is received
by March 1 will receive priority consideration. The FAFSA allows students to list multiple colleges when filing.
Because Student Scholarships and Grants (SSG) does not know which college the student will select, the award is
based on the first college listed. Students must file a renewal FAFSA every year to determine possible continued
program eligibility. The student is responsible for notifying SSG of a change of address or college choice, via
the MiSSG Student Portal (www.michigan.gov/missg) or by phone at 888-447-2687.

Awards are restricted to tuition and mandatory fees. Awards pay up to a maximum of $1,0001 per academic year at
an approved Michigan community college, public university, or degree-granting, non-profit independent college.
Program eligibility ends when a student has received a baccalaureate degree, after completing the equivalent of ten
semesters (or term equivalent), or when a student has been out of high school over ten years, whichever occurs first.
Future awards are subject to available and approved funding.

Eligibility Failure to meet these requirements could affect eligibility for an award:

  • Provide your Social Security number to SSG by phone your senior year in high school.
  • Achieve a qualifying SAT score of at least 1200 prior to entering college.
  • Prior to the Class of 2017, eligible applicants must have achieved a qualifying ACT score of at least 23
    (composite) or 90 (scaled score) prior to entering college.
  • Possess a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • Enroll at least half time at an approved Michigan community college, public university, or degree-granting, nonprofit independent college (cannot be an institution whose primary purpose is to prepare students for ordination or appointment as a member of the clergy of a church, denomination or religious sect).
  • Be a Michigan resident since July 1 of the previous calendar year. If a dependent student, parent must also be a
    Michigan resident since July 1 of the previous calendar year.
  • Be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or approved refugee.
  • Not be incarcerated.
  • For renewal, maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0.
  • For renewal, must meet institution’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy.
  • Must not be in default on a Federal/State student loan.
  • Tuition Incentive ProgramThe Tuition Incentive Program (TIP) was established in 1987 under the Annual Higher Education Appropriations Act as an incentive program that encourages eligible students to complete high school by providing tuition assistance for the first two years of college and beyond.For Phase I, a student must declare program of study and be enrolled in a Certificate or Associate degree program and taking classes within program of study. TIP Phase I will not cover tuition from courses outside of declared Certificate or Associate degree program. The list of participating institutions may be found on the last page of the TIP Fact Sheet. Certificate courses are defined as “at least a one-year training program that leads to a certificate (or other recognized educational credential), which prepares students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.”

    Students must meet a Medicaid eligibility history requirement. Eligible students must apply prior to high school graduation (high school diploma or its recognized equivalent). The program targets students with financial need so students are encouraged to also complete the FAFSA.

    Funds are appropriated annually in the Higher Education Appropriations Act. This program is administered by the Student Scholarships and Grants Division.

    Legislative action was taken in June 2016 (Public Act 249) to place an $8.5 million dollar Tuition Incentive Program (TIP) cap for each institution beginning with the 17-18 school year.

    All institutions are aware of the cap and some have taken steps to create a priority deadline. When selecting a college a student should follow up with the financial aid office to confirm whether they will be awarded TIP and see if further information is needed to finalize their financial aid.

more on Michigan student financial aid