Maine – University and College List

The following is a list of Universities in the state of Maine:


List of Community Colleges in the state of Maine:

  • Maine College of Health Professions
  • Maine Community College System
    • Central Maine Community College
    • Eastern Maine Community College
    • Kennebec Valley Community College
    • Northern Maine Community College
    • Southern Maine Community College
    • Washington County Community College
    • York County Community College


  • Competitive Skills Scholarship Program:

The Competitive Skills Scholarship helps workers learn new skills and Maine businesses access a qualified workforce to succeed in the changing economy. The program is open to eligible Maine residents with access to post-secondary education – including certificate programs and two- and four-year degrees – training for industry recognized credentials, and support leading to skilled, well-compensated jobs with anticipated high employment demand.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years old and live in Maine
  • Are legally eligible to work in the U.S.
  • Are seeking education or training for a job in a high wage, in demand occupation
  • Do not have a marketable post-secondary degree
  • Have household income of less than 200% of the federal poverty level
  • Have the ability to undertake and complete the education or training program

The Competitive Skills Scholarship pays for tuition and fees that are not paid from other sources, including federal financial aid. The grant may also pay for other supports while you are in training including: childcare, transportation, books, supplies, equipment, and remedial and prerequisite training.

If you are eligible, you can receive up to $6,000 per year for a full-time student and $3,000 per year for a part-time student. You can qualify for a grant each year you remain in your training program.

  • PATRIOT EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPEligibility: In 2007, Patriot Mutual Holding Company merged into Frankenmuth Mutual Insurance Company, with Frankenmuth being the surviving company and owner of Patriot’s two wholly owned subsidiaries, Patriot Insurance Company and Patriot Life Insurance Company, both Maine-domiciled companies. Frankenmuth, founded on the tradition of neighbor helping neighbor, is committed to supporting graduates of Maine high schools pursuing a degree in business at a college or university in Maine, and, to that end, has established the Patriot Education Scholarship Fund at the Maine Community Foundation.

    Eligible students are graduating seniors of Maine high schools, or graduates within four years of the date of application, who are currently enrolled in a college or university in Maine pursuing a degree in business as a part time (minimum of 9 credit hours per semester) or full-time student. There is a preference for applicants who have a demonstrated interest in personal and commercial insurance professions.

    Scholarship Amount: Typically a minimum of $5,000 per recipient

    How is this Awarded: 1. Evidence of sustained excellence in academic performance (minimum, cumulative GPA of 3.0)
    2. Evidence of a student

  • TYLER TECHNOLOGIES MAINE APP CHALLENGE SCHOLARSHIPEligibility: You are eligible to participate in the Challenge if you meet the following requirements at the time of App Challenge entry:

    1. You are a student attending high school, or participating in a high school level home school program (grades 9-12), in the State of Maine during the 2016-2017 school year.
    2. You are a Maine resident.
    3. You are at least 13 years old at the time of submission.
    4. You are not a child, step-child or household member of any person employed by Tyler Technologies or Educate Maine, and you are not a child, step-child or household member of a Maine App Challenge judge.
    5. You have signed an App Challenge Participation, Consent and Release form (“Consent”) and submitted it with your Submission. If you are under the age of 18 years old, you have informed your parent(s) or legal guardian of your desire to participate, and your Consent has been signed by a parent or legal guardian.
    6. You are on only one App Challenge Team. Teams may consist of one, two or three students and each Team member must meet all of the individual eligibility requirements listed in 1-5 above.

    Scholarship Amount: First place: $6,000 scholarship; second place: $3,000 scholarship; third place: $1,000 scholarship

    How is this Awarded: This challenge is designed to provide Maine high school students with the experience of designing, developing and demonstrating an Android™ mobile app for a chance to win one of three scholarships. Interested applicants should:

    1. Design an Android app
    2. Create a YouTube video explaining what your app does and how it serves your target audience
    3. Submit your app on line by March 1 at

  • VETERANS’ DEPENDENTS EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS-MAINEEligibility: Children or spouses of Maine resident veterans who were killed in action or who died from a service-connected disability; or who are totally and permanently disabled as a result of service; or who are listed as missing in action, detained or interned by a foreign gov/power. Children must be high school graduates and at least 16 years of age. Spouses may not be divorced or remarried (if widowed).

    Scholarship Amount: Amount awarded is tuition waiver to any State of Maine supported institution for higher learning. Qualifying dependents are eligible for tuition waiver benefits as defined in Title 37B, Chapter 7, Section 505(2) of the State of Maine Statutes.

    How is this Awarded: Benefits under this program include waiver of tuition and related fees for qualified dependents of certain disabled or deceased veterans. Schools covered under this program include the University of Maine System, Maine Community Colleges and Maine Maritime Academy.

    Application Process:
    Student must attend a State of Maine state-supported postsecondary vocational school or institution of collegiate grade.

  • YORK COUNTY COUNCIL OF REALTORSEligibility: This scholarship is open to graduating York County Senior High School students who attend a high school located in York County. Students who are home schooled in York County are also eligible.

    Scholarship Amount: The York County Council of REALTORS® is pleased to announce that in 2017, we are providing scholarships totaling $25,000 to deserving York County graduating seniors.

    How is this Awarded: Students must send the completed application, essay, high school transcript and 2 personal references to the York County Council of REALTORS®.

    • $2500 scholarships will be awarded to students attending a 4-year college or university
    • $1250 scholarships will be awarded to those attending a 2-year community college or trade school (degree and license programs accepted)

    The number of scholarships awarded will be determined by the number of applications received up to $25,000.

    Application Process:
    Each applicant is required to complete an essay (250–300 words) on one of the following subjects:

    Describe what “The Golden Rule” means to you and why
    Tell us about someone from your own life who has influenced your decision to go to college
    Share something you have done or been part of that has made a difference in your family, school or community.

  • Applications are available through:
    Tanya Sirois, Director Board and Member Services, York County Council of REALTORS®,
    19 Community Drive, Augusta, Maine 04330

for a more complete listing of available Sholarships