Connecticut – University and College List

The following is a list of Universities in the state of Connecticut:


List of Community Colleges in the state of Connecticut:

  • Connecticut State Colleges & Universities (2-year campuses)
    • Asnuntuck Community College
    • Capital Community College
    • Gateway Community College
    • Housatonic Community College
    • Manchester Community College
    • Middlesex Community College
    • Naugatuck Valley Community College
    • Northwestern Connecticut Community College
    • Norwalk Community College
    • Quinebaug Valley Community College
    • Three Rivers Community College
    • Tunxis Community College

Information on University of Connecticut Scholarships:

Incoming Students

Merit-based scholarships are offered to incoming students through the Undergraduate Admission’s Office. All incoming students are considered for these scholarships according to their grade point average, SAT scores, rank in class, and other criteria. The Undergraduate Admissions Office will notify you if you are eligible for any of these awards with your acceptance to UConn letter. Students should apply to the university prior to December 1st in order to be considered for these merit scholarships.
A separate application is required for UConn’s Nutmeg Scholarship and the Day of Pride Scholarship. These scholarships have a prior deadline line of November 1st.
Go to Scholarship Policies and Conditions for guidelines and merit scholarship policies.
Continuing Students

Continuing students are encouraged to contact the department within their academic major for scholarship possibilities, applications and deadlines. Awards are available through some of the various departments within the individual Schools and Colleges in addition to a number of privately-funded scholarships, fellowships, and awards.

Minority Options:

If you are a college student interested in teaching and a member of a minority group, the State of Connecticut can
help you with education costs in return for teaching in a Connecticut public school. The Minority Teacher Incentive Grant Program provides up to $5,000 a year for the final two years of full-time study to minority undergraduates enrolled in a Connecticut teacher preparation program. The program also provides eligible students with up to $2,500 in yearly stipends for up to four years of teaching in a Connecticut public elementary or secondary school.
To qualify, you must:
• be a full-time college junior or senior of African American,
Hispanic/Latino, Asian American or Native American heritage.

• be nominated by an Education Dean (or appropriate official)
at whichever participating college you attend.

• begin teaching in a Connecticut public school within 16
months of graduation to receive the annual stipend.
To apply, submit a completed nomination form (see reverse
side or download from For questions,
please contact your Education Dean listed below or Lynne
Goodwin of the Office of Higher Education at 860/947-1855 or

The Governor’s Roberta B. Willis Scholarship need and merit-based grant shall be available to any Connecticut resident who is a full-time or part-time undergraduate student at any public or independent institution of higher education. The Office of Higher Education shall determine eligibility by financial need based on family contribution and eligibility by merit based on either previous high school academic achievement or performance on standardized academic aptitude tests.

The Office of Higher Education shall make awards according to a sliding scale, annually determined by said office, up to a maximum family contribution and based on available appropriations and eligible students. The Governor’s Roberta B. Willis Scholarship need and merit-based grant shall be awarded in a higher amount than the need-based grant awarded.

Recipients of the need and merit-based grant shall not be eligible to receive an additional need-based award. The order of institutions of higher education provided by a student on the student’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid shall not affect the student’s eligibility for an award under this subsection. The accepting institution of higher education shall disburse sums awarded under the need and merit-based grant for payment of the student’s eligible educational costs. more on Connecticut education