Utah – University and College List

The following is a list of Universities in the state of Utah:


List of Community Colleges in the state of Utah:

  • Latter-Day Saints Business College
  • Salt Lake Community College
  • Snow College
  • Utah State University–Eastern
  • Scholarships & Financial Aid in Utah
  • Public Safety Officer Career Advancement Reimbursement (PSOCAR) Program

The PSOCAR Program reimburses up to half of tuition and fees (maximum of $5,000 per year, subject to funding) for students enrolled in criminal justice related programs at a Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) institution, and is available for up to eight academic years.

Elegibility requirements:

  • be a certified peace officer, currently employed by a law enforcement agency in Utah;
  • be seeking a post-secondary degree in the area of criminal justice from a credit-granting USHE Institution;
  • have earned credit for all classes for which the applicant is seeking reimbursement;
  • be employed by a law enforcement agency in Utah as a certified peace officer for three consecutive years prior to the completion of the academic year for which he or she is seeking reimbursement; and
  • be employed by a law enforcement agency in Utah as a certified peace officer for one additional year after the completion of that academic year.
  • C. Kay Allen Endowed Scholarship

This Scholarship is for Graduate students in the Department of Educational Psychology.
Elegibility requirements:

  • Applicants must have a GPA of 3.6 or higher, be a graduate student in either the
    Counseling Psychology or Professional Counseling programs, attend two full semesters
    during the academic year
  • demonstrate financial need
  • be a US citizen or permanent resident.

Students may apply for renewal in subsequent academic years based on maintaining a GPA of 3.6 or higher. contact the Department of Educational
Psychology at (801) 581-7148 for more info.

Below are specific University Of Utah Scholarships:

  • Utah Flagship Scholarship

the Utah Flagship Scholarship is for seniors of an accredited Utah high school, public or private, who will be entering freshmen. Recipients are chosen by University committee from a pool of applicants, who qualify under an index that gives two-thirds consideration to GPA and one-third to ACT/SAT score. The University considers the GPA from grades 9 through 11, and test results from the ACT or SAT, taken in either the junior or senior year by the October test date.

Scholarship award: a sum of $5,000 is awarded toward the cost of tuition annually, for a maximum of 8 semesters or until the student achieves a baccalaureate degree, whichever comes first.

Recipients are selected by the University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid based on admissions information. No additional application necessary. Scholarship was formerly known as Honors at Entrance.

  • Utah Academic Scholarship

The Utah Academic Scholarship is for seniors of an accredited Utah high school, public or private, who will be entering freshmen. Recipients are chosen by University committee from a pool of applicants, who qualify under an index that gives two-thirds consideration to GPA and one-third to ACT/SAT score.

The University considers the GPA from grades 9 through 11, and test results from the ACT or SAT, taken in either the junior or senior year by the October test date. Value: a sum of $2,500 is awarded toward the cost of tuition annually, for a maximum of 8 semesters or until the student achieves a baccalaureate degree, whichever comes first.

  • Trustees Scholarship

The University of Utah provides the Trustees scholarship that awards incoming Freshman students from the State of Utah, who have demonstrated academic excellence within their high school career and have received exceptional scores on standardized tests. As the flagship campus and the only tier-one public university in Utah designated as having very high research activity by the Carnegie Foundation, the University of Utah provides an unparalleled experience for Utah students. This scholarship is awarded to qualifying students for up to 4 semesters.

Award amount: $5,000 towards tuition
These Scholarships are Renewable – Complete admissions process by December 1
Merit scholarship consideration will be based on the ACT/SAT test score with which students are admitted. Results from tests taken after the official October test date, initial or retakes, will not be taken into consideration for scholarship eligibility.

For more info on these University of Utah Scholarships call University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, 801-581-6211

  • The New Century Scholarship

The New Century Scholarship encourages Utah high school students to accelerate their education by earning an associate degree in high school from an institution within the Utah System of Higher Education or completing a specific math and science curriculum.

The scholarship may be used at any four-year public college or university in the Utah System of Higher Education, as well as at Brigham Young University—Provo, and Westminster College. The award is $1,250 per semester. Students must renew their award every semester.

Elegibility requirements:
Students must enroll in 15 credit hours & earn a 3.3 GPA for each semester in order to maintain eligibility.

  • T.H. Bell Teaching Incentive Loan Scholarship

Terrel H. Bell Teaching Incentive Loans pay up to full tuition and general fees, and may be received for up to four years of full-time enrollment or until licensing requirements have been met, whichever is less. Teaching incentive loan recipients are expected to repay the loan through an equal length of work (i.e., one year of loan support requires one year of work) in which the recipient uses their program-supported education to benefit students in Utah’s K-12 schools. Recipients who do not meet this obligation are required to make monetary repayment of the loan.

To Study: Education, and may include special education teachers, speech or language pathologists, or other licensed professionals who provide services to students with disabilities.

At: All Utah public colleges and universities and at those Utah private colleges and universities that offer a state-approved teacher education program.

This program scholarship is open to all Utah resident undergraduate, graduate, full-time, and part-time students.
Elegibility requirements:

  • have been admitted to, or have made application and are prepared to enter into, a teacher education or similar program preparing them for licensure
  • declare intent to complete the prescribed course of study and teach/work in Utah. The program is subject to other requirements in accordance with Utah state law and State Board of Regents policy.
  • Selection is based on GPA and intended teaching field as determined by the teacher education program.

more on Financial Aid for students in Utah