South Dakota – University and College List

The following is a list of Universities in the state of South Dakota:

South Dakota

List of Community Colleges in the state of South Dakota:

  • Kilian Community College
  • Lake Area Technical Institute
  • Mitchell Technical Institute
  • Sisseton Wahpeton College
  • Southeast Technical Institute
  • Western Dakota Technical Institute
  • South Dakota Scholarships & Financial Aid
  • Build Dakota Scholarships

Build Dakota Scholarships will be awarded to students entering high-need workforce programs at South Dakota’s technical institutes to fill the state’s technical careers with skilled professionals. Recipients of the full-ride scholarships will commit to living and working in the state, in their field of study, for three years following graduation. The full-ride scholarships will support tuition, fees, books and other required program expenses in the eligible technical institute programs.

Both in-state students and out-of-state students are eligible for the scholarships. This scholarships will support tuition, fees, books and other required program expenses in the eligible technical institute programs. The student recipients of the scholarships must commit to living and working in the state, in their field of study, for three years following graduation. In the first five years, a projected 300 scholarships will be awarded annually. Beyond the first five years, the endowment will support approximately 50 full-ride scholarships.

Elegibility requirements:

  • Must be a U.S. citizen or U.S. national (May be eligible if you have a green card and are eligible for federal financial aid.)
  • Applicants need not be South Dakota residents
  • Financial need
  • Demonstrated aptitude through one or more of the following:
  • The National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) or other industry-recognized certifications in the career area.
  • Technical, dual or concurrent credit courses taken in the career interest area.
  • Career & Technical Education coursework completed in the career interest area.
  • Work-based learning experiences, internships or work experience in the career interest area.
  • Enrolling as a first-time student.
  • Richard Hagen Minerva Memorial State Scholarship

The Richard Hagen Minerva Memorial state scholarship program is for enrolled members of American Indian Tribes. Once approved recipients will be authorized to receive up to 4 years of funding depending on year of attendance. Funds are to be used for students attending a public or non-public accredited university, college or technical institute located in South Dakota.

Annual scholarship award amounts include a minimum of $1,000 for each of the first two years of attendance, a minimum of $1,500 for the third year of attendance, and a minimum of $2,500 for the fourth year of attendance.

Students who receive this scholarship must be enrolled the equivalent of at least fourteen (14) credit hours per semester and maintain a cumulative 2.5 grade point average during the course of the scholarship period.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Graduation from an accredited South Dakota high school
  • Apply within 5 years after high school graduation or within 1 year after release from active military duty (if that release is within 5 years of high school graduation);
  • Be an enrolled member of an American Indian tribe
  • Must attend a public or non-public accredited university, college or technical institute located in South Dakota.
  • Jump Start Scholarship program:

Jump Start Scholarship program hs been created to provide a student who graduates from a public high school in three years or less to receive a scholarship funded with a portion of the money saved by the state in state aid to education funding pursuant to chapter 13-13.

As a result of the student’s early graduation, if the student enrolls at any college, university, or technical school accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools that provides instruction from a campus located in South Dakota, for the 2016-17 academic year the student will be eligible for $1,500 to be distributed equally across both the Fall and Spring semesters during their first year of post-secondary enrollment.

Elegibility requirements:

  • Be a legal resident of South Dakota;
  • Complete the requirements of the recommended high school program as established by the Board of Education of South Dakota and be awarded a high school diploma by a public high school in three years or less;
  • Have attended a public high school in South Dakota on a full-time basis for at least two semesters prior to graduating;
  • Within one year of graduating from high school, excluding any time served on active duty in the armed forces of the United States, enroll in a college, university, or technical school accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools that provides instruction from a campus located in South Dakota

more on South Dakota Student Financial Aid