Idaho – University and College List

The following is a list of Universities in the state of Idaho:


List of Community Colleges in the state of Idaho:

  • College of Southern Idaho
  • Eastern Idaho Technical College
  • North Idaho College

Information on Idaho College Financing:

Students who earn dual credits in high school may be eligible for a scholarship to an institution in Idaho,
as follows:
Credits Earned – Scholarship Amount
10 $2,000.00
20 $4,000.00
Associates Degree – $8,000.00

Industry Match
• To receive funds, the student must be awarded a merit-based scholarship from another source
in an amount at least equal to the post-secondary scholarship amount. The State Board of
Education will promulgate rules clarify the requirements of this provision.
• Match funds may not be from a foundation affiliated with the college/university.
• Match funds must come from business or industry, or an entity representing business or
industry such as a foundation.
Scholarship Distribution
• The scholarship is paid out in one-quarter increments over a four semesters.
• Students must be enrolled as full-time students and must pass at least 12 credits each semester
to continue receiving the scholarship.
• Students must use their scholarship within four years of their high school graduation date
before the scholarship expires.
• Scholarship funds can be used at accredited Idaho institutions.

Idaho GEAR UP Scholarships Facts:

  • Applicants must be less than 22 years old at the time they receive their first scholarship award.
  • Applicants must possess a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent.
  • Applicants must complete and submit the initial scholarship application prior to graduating from high
  • Applicants must complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA
    priority deadline is on or before February 15 of the student’s graduation year.
  • Applicants must be enrolled or accepted for full-time enrollment in a program of undergraduate
    instruction at an eligible institution of higher education that is located within Idaho’s boundaries.
    Accepted institutions include any Idaho public, regionally accredited institution under the general
    supervision and governance of the Idaho State Board of Education and any private, non-profit, regionally
    accredited institution, as listed.
  • North Idaho College
  • Idaho State University
  • Lewis-Clark State College
  • College of Western Idaho
  • College of Southern Idaho
  • College of Idaho
  • Eastern Idaho Technical College
  • Northwest Nazarene University
  • University of Idaho
  • Idaho State University
  • Boise State University
  • BYU Idaho

GEAR UP Scholarship Amounts
• Awards for year one of the scholarship will equal the minimum Pell Grant award for the school year
(Currently $588). Amount is subject to change with Pell Award amounts.
GEAR UP Idaho Scholarship Overview
• Scholarship amounts after year one of the scholarship will be subject to availability of funding and the
number of eligible applicants.
• Awards will be distributed in two payments (each semester) to the institution of the student’s choice as
enrollment is confirmed.
GEAR UP Continuing Eligibility
• GEAR UP scholarships will be available to applicants for four academic years immediately following
graduation from high school. Scholarships can be applied to undergraduate or graduate work within
those four academic years.
• Award recipients must attend their selected postsecondary program full-time or the equivalent of 24
credit hours within each academic year.
• Students who take leave from their postsecondary program may reapply for the next award cycle to
receive additional awards within the four academic year window.
• GEAR UP scholarship awards can be renewed annually, for no more than four academic years immediately
following graduation.
• GEAR UP scholarship recipients must maintain satisfactory academic progress (as determined by the
institution) to obtain a scholarship renewal.
• GEAR UP Scholarship recipients must complete and submit a FAFSA and the annual scholarship
application to obtain a scholarship renewal. Scholarship applications deadlines will be posted on the GEAR
UP website.
• Scholarship recipients who transfer to any other eligible Idaho postsecondary institution remain eligible
for scholarship renewal.

GEAR UP Scholarship Application Process
• Applicants must complete the general Idaho state scholarship application online on or before March 1 of
their graduation year at the Idaho State Board of Education website:
• Scholarship timelines:
First GEAR UP 2 Cohort (Graduating in SY 2016-2017)
-First scholarships will be awarded in the 2017 fall semester
– Final scholarship will be awarded in the 2021 spring semester
Second GEAR UP 2 Cohort (Graduating in SY 2017-2018)
-First scholarships will be awarded in the 2018 fall semester
– Final scholarship will be awarded in the 2022 spring semester
• Minimum scholarship award amounts will be posted on the GEAR UP website at the close of the
scholarship application window for each year.
Potential Year 5 Scholarship Opportunity
• In the case that unused scholarship funds remain after the 4 academic years immediately following each
cohort’s graduation, a 5th year award opportunity will be opened.
• These funds may be used by eligible GEAR UP students at eligible postsecondary institutions in Idaho for
undergraduate and graduate courses.
• For More info on Student benefits of Gear Up go to: GEAR UP: