New Jersey – University and College List

The following is a list of Universities in the state of New Jersey:

New Jersey

List of Community Colleges in the state of New Jersey:

  • Assumption College for Sisters
  • Atlantic Cape Community College
  • Bergen Community College
  • Brookdale Community College
  • Camden County College
  • County College of Morris
  • Cumberland County College
  • Essex County College
  • Hudson County Community College
  • Mercer County Community College
  • Middlesex County College
  • Ocean County College
  • Passaic County Community College
  • Raritan Valley Community College
  • Rowan College at Burlington County
  • Rowan College at Gloucester County
  • Salem Community College
  • Sussex County Community College
  • Union County College
  • Warren County Community College

Selected Scholarships available in New Jersey

  • The Governor’s Urban Scholarship Program

This scholarship is a merit-based scholarship program that benefits students in New Jersey’s economically-challenged communities.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Rank within the top five (5.0) percent of their class at the end of their junior year and have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher at the end of the junior year of high school
  • Reside in one of the designated communities
  • Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Be a permanent New Jersey resident for at least 12 consecutive months immediately prior
    to enrollment
  • Be registered with the Selective Service System (if required)
  • Be enrolled full-time in an approved degree or certificate program
  • Attend an approved New Jersey college, university or degree-granting proprietary school
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress to qualify for renewal
  • Complete a FAFSA each year within established deadlines and meet all program requirements including a New Jersey Eligibility Index (NJEI) below 10500
  • Governor’s Industry Vocations Scholarship (NJ-GIVS),

(This scholarship is available only to Minorities) – $2,000 per year or up to the cost of tuition, less any federal, state, or institutional aid in an eligible certificate or degree program at one of New Jersey’s eligible institutions. The award benefits women and minority students pursuing a certificate or degree program in a construction-related field.

Eligibility Requirements:
To receive an NJ-GIVS award you must be a female or a minority group member.

  • You must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and have an annual household income below
  • Your award may be used at any of New Jersey’s 19 county colleges, county vocational technical schools or a proprietary trade school provided the school is affiliated with an institution that is eligible to participate
    in the New Jersey TAG program.
  • New Jersey grants and scholarships are limited to U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens who have received approval from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to remain in the U.S. on a permanent basis. Students in the U.S. on a temporary basis – who do not have approved permanent resident status from USCIS – are not eligible to receive an award.
  • Male award recipients will be required to prove they have registered with the Selective Service System. Registration
    is included within the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • New Jersey grants and scholarships are limited to New Jersey residents. A New Jersey resident must have resided in the State for at least 12 consecutive months immediately prior to receiving the award.
  • NJ STARS Scholarship Award

Eligibility requirements:

  • New Jersey residents who rank in the top 15.0% of their class at the end of either junior or senior year of high school may be eligible to receive an NJ STARS award for attendance at their home county college.
  • Students may attend another New Jersey county college only if their desired program of study is not offered at the county college where they reside or is oversubscribed for at least one year.
  • Students identified as potential NJ STARS must achieve the required score on a college placement test to demonstrate readiness for college-level coursework prior to receiving a scholarship. If remediation is required, the student has one year from September 1 following high school graduation to demonstrate college readiness.
  • Students must have completed a rigorous high school course of study.
  • Students must take at least 12 college-level credits each semester and maintain continuous full-time enrollment in an associate degree program at their home county college.
  • Students must be citizens or eligible non-citizens and legal NJ residents for at least 12 consecutive
    months immediately prior to high school graduation.
  • Students must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and submit all required
    information within established State deadlines.
  • Students must attain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher by the start of the
    second year of county college enrollment to meet the academic requirement for NJ STARS renewal.
  • NJ STARS students must graduate with a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher to qualify academically for theNJ STARS Tuition coverage:
  • The NJ STARS award covers the cost of tuition, less any State and/or Federal grants
    and scholarships, for up to 18 credit hours per semester.
  • Students may be eligible to receive an NJ STARS award for up to 5 semesters of continuous
    full-time enrollment in a degree program.
    You can apply for admission to your home county college.

more on New Jersey student financial aid