Mississippi – University and College List

The following is a list of Universities in the state of Mississippi:


List of Community Colleges in the state of Mississippi:

  • Coahoma Community College
  • Copiah-Lincoln Community College
  • East Central Community College
  • East Mississippi Community College
  • Hinds Community College
  • Holmes Community College
  • Itawamba Community College
  • Jones County Junior College
  • Meridian Community College
  • Mississippi Delta Community College
  • Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
  • Northeast Mississippi Community College
  • Northwest Mississippi Community College
  • Pearl River Community College
  • Southwest Mississippi Community College

Mississippi Sudent Financial Aid Options

  • The Mississippi Teacher Fellowship Program The Mississippi Teacher Fellowship Program is designed as an innovative partnership to address Mississippi’s teacher shortage. The purpose of the program is to attract qualified teachers to the critical teacher shortage areas of Mississippi. Scholarships will be made available to persons seeking a Master of Education or Educational Specialist degree at a Mississippi institution of higher learning in exchange for employment in these geographical shortage areas. The vision for the Mississippi Teacher Fellowship Program is to provide educational experiences to students enrolled in at-risk schools that will allow these students to participate fully in the economic and social opportunities of out nation. In exchange for a three-year commitment to teach in a critical teacher shortage area, selected participants receive the following benefits:
  • Tuition scholarship for Master of Education or Educational Specialist degree program at a Mississippi
  • Institution of Higher Learning.
  • Professional development opportunities.
  • Stipends for books and supplies.
  • Mentoring program.
    Ongoing cohort support via Internet chat rooms, email and MTFP Program office toll-free number.

The Mississippi Excellence in Teaching Program (METP)

The Mississippi Excellence in Teaching Program (METP) is a collaboration between The University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) and Mississippi State University (MSU) to attract the top performing students to teacher education programs with full scholarships and professional incentives.

The METP goal is to attract top-performing high school seniors who want to become secondary English, mathematics and science – as well as elementary and special education – teachers in Mississippi. New teachers in these fields will help meet the demands of Common Core standards. All students who enter the program make a five-year commitment to teach in Mississippi after graduation.

Funded by the Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation in Jackson, the program is designed to create a unique “honors college style” learning experience for high achieving education students and promote collaboration between students and faculty at both universities.

These scholarship includes tuition, books and fees for up to four years. METP fellows also receive:

  • Room and board: Our scholarship provides an allowance for housing and meals based on the institution’s Cost of Attendance, as determined by the Office of Financial Aid. Any excess funds available after the METP pays institutional charges will be provided to the student. These excess funds can be used to pay for off campus housing after the students’ freshman year.
  • Technology: Each student will receive a $1,000 stipend to purchase a laptop or tablet of his or her choice.
  • Study abroad: During their senior year, our students receive funding to study education issues abroad or visit top performing schools in the nation to complete off-campus learning projects.
  • Professional development: During their senior year, METP students will receive the chance to attend a national or regional professional conference relevant to their teaching discipline (i.e. the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics or the National Council for Teachers of English).
  • Residential Institutes: The summer before their junior year, students will travel to spend one week at both MSU and Ole Miss to attend residential institutes led by faculty from both universities. Institutes will focus on contemporary issues in education and promote innovative, research-based pedagogy and methodology.
  • Cross-campus learning: Each semester, our students will spend one night on the campus of the other institution to engage in scholarly activities and professional development with fellow METP students.

The Community College Tuition Guarantee Program is coordinated with federal aid, state aid, and scholarship funds to assure that certain county residents’ tuition will be paid at participating community college for four consecutive, regular semesters. Your participation in this program is contingent upon your compliance with a few requirements and availability of program funds. Some of the participating schools:

  • Northwest Mississippi Community College (Calhoun and Lafayette Counties)
  • Calhoun County Residents
  • Lafayette County Residents
  • East Mississippi Community College (Clay County)
  • Itawamba Community College (Chickasaw, Itawamba, Lee, Monroe, and Pontotoc Counties)
  • Chickasaw County Residents
  • Itawamba County Residents
  • Lee County Residents
  • Monroe County Residents
  • Pontotoc County Residents
  • Meridian Community College (Lauderdale County/Meridian)

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