New Mexico – University and College List

The following is a list of Universities in the state of New Mexico:

New Mexico

List of Community Colleges in the state of New Mexico:

  • Central New Mexico Community College
  • Clovis Community College
  • Diné College
  • Eastern New Mexico University–Roswell (2-year campus)
  • Luna Community College
  • Mesalands Community College
  • New Mexico Junior College
  • New Mexico Military Institute
  • New Mexico State University (2-year campuses)
    • Alamogordo
    • Carlsbad
    • Doña Ana Community College
    • Grants
  • San Juan College
  • Santa Fe Community College
  • Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
  • University of New Mexico (2-year campuses)
    • Gallup
    • Los Alamos
    • Taos
    • Valencia

Selected Scholarships available in New Mexico:

Legislative Lottery Scholarship Program

The New Mexico Legislative Lottery Scholarship will pay a portion of tuition (up to an undergraduate degree) for college. The scholarship may be renewed at a four-year institution until the award recipient has received seven (7) semesters of scholarship awards or until the student graduates with a bachelor’s degree, whichever is sooner. Students attending a community college are eligible for three (3) semesters of scholarship awards.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Student must be a resident of New Mexico.
  • Student must have completed high school at a public or accredited private New Mexico high school, graduated from a public or accredited private new Mexico high school or received a high school equivalency credential while maintaining residency in New Mexico.
  • Student must enroll at a public post secondary educational institution in New Mexico within sixteen months of graduation or receipt of a high equivalency credential.
  • Student must enroll in and earn 15 credit hours per semester at a four-year New Mexico public university.
  • Student must enroll in and earn 12 credit hours per semester at a two- year New Mexico public community college.
  • Student must maintain a 2.5 or greater cumulative grade point average (GPA) each semester of enrollment.
  • Students with disabilities may qualify for reduced credit hour requirements and additional semesters of the scholarship.

New Mexico Scholars Scholarship:

The New Mexico Scholars Scholarship is available to New Mexico high school graduates to enroll in college full-time at a public or private non-profit postsecondary in New Mexico before their 21st birthday in an undergraduate program. This scholarship awards full Tuition, books and fees for a period of one academic year. The scholarship may be renewed annually until the award recipient has received four annual scholarship awards or until the student graduates from a four-year institution, whichever is earlier.

Eligibility requirements :

  • Student must be a legal resident of New Mexico for at least 12 months
  • Must have graduated from a New Mexico high school in top 5% of class or obtain a score of 25 on the ACT or 1140 on the SAT
  • Student must attend an eligible public or private not for profit post-secondary institution
  • be an Undergraduate
  • Enrolled full time in school
  • Based on family income: Combined family income may not exceed $60,000 per year.

Graduate Scholarship

The Graduate Scholarship was created to increase graduate enrollment at public postsecondary institutions for students from groups underrepresented in graduate education. The Award for the Graduate Scholarship is up to $7,200 per year. Each scholarship is awarded for period of one academic year. A recipient who remains in good academic standing in his/her course of study, as determined by the institution, may receive the scholarship for a total of two years for master’s degree program students

Eligibility requirements:

  • Priority will be given to NM students from those groups with the most severe under-representation and students with the greatest financial need.
  • A citizen of the United States or permanent resident
  • Agree to serve in an unpaid internship or assistantship at the eligible institution, a government agency or private industry approved by his major department for ten hours per week during the academic year
  • Eligible according to a standard needs analysis or financial aid officer’s professional judgment

College Affordability Grant

The College Affordability Grant is in place to encourage New Mexico Students with financial need, who do not qualify for other state grants and scholarships, to attend and complete educational programs at a New Mexico public college or university. This Grant Awards a maximum of $1,000 per semester depending on financial need. The grant is for a period of one year and may be renewed on an annual basis or until the student graduates with a bachelor’s degree from an eligible institution.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Must be a New Mexico Resident
  • Enrolled at least half time as an undergraduate student at a New Mexico public college or university or tribal college
  • Demonstrated financial need as determined by the eligible college or university
  • Has completed a high school diploma or high school equivalency credential

more on New Mexico Financial Aid