Florida – University and College List

The following is a list of Universities in the state of Florida:


State higher education oversight agency:
Florida Board of Governors

List of Community Colleges in the state of Florida:

  • Florida College System (2-year campuses)
    • Florida Keys Community College
    • Hillsborough Community College
    • North Florida Community College
    • Pasco-Hernando State College
    • Tallahassee Community College

Financial Aid & Scholarship info for Florida Students:

Students who are residents of Florida pay significantly lower tuition at state colleges and universities than students from other states. The average in-state tuition for a state university in Florida is $6,336 for 30 credit hours. Tuition at state colleges is about two-thirds the amount of tuition at state universities.

To be eligible for in-state tuition, students or their parents must have established and maintained legal residency in Florida for at least 12 consecutive months before the first day of the term. Unless proven otherwise, students who are 24 or older are considered independent and must provide their own documentation to demonstrate residency. Students under the age of 24 are considered dependent on their parents and must provide documentation from their parents to demonstrate residency. Students who are under the age of 24 can demonstrate independence by:

  1. Providing 50% or more of their own support and filing their taxes as an independent,
  2. Being married,
  3. Being a veteran of the United States military, or
  4. Being a ward of the court.
  • Florida Student Assistance Grant

The Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG) Program is a need-based grant program available to degree-seeking, resident, undergraduate students who demonstrate substantial financial need and are enrolled in participating postsecondary institutions.

• The Florida Public Student Assistance Grant is available to students who attend
state universities and Florida colleges (public community colleges).
• The Florida Private Student Assistance Grant is available to students who attend
eligible private, non-profit, four-year colleges and universities.
• The Florida Postsecondary Student Assistance Grant is available to students who
attend eligible degree-granting private colleges and universities not eligible under
the Florida Private Student Assistance Grant.
• The Florida Public Postsecondary Career Education Student Assistance Grant
(FSAG-CE) is available to students who attend eligible and participating Florida
colleges (public community colleges) or career centers operated by district school
boards. See the separate fact sheet for additional information regarding the FSAGCE

The Talented Twenty Program provides priority FSAG funding for eligible high school
students. Talented Twenty students should contact the financial aid office for FSAG
eligibility and priority funding. Additional information about Talented Twenty is
available at http://www.fldoe.org/Talented20/.

  • Benacquisto Scholarship Program

The Benacquisto Scholarship Program is a merit scholarship for 2013-14 Florida high
school graduates and thereafter who receive recognition as a National Merit® Scholar.
Eligible scholars will receive an award equal to the institutional cost of attendance
minus the sum of Bright Futures and the National Merit® award. An initial
application is not required

  • Rosewood Family Scholarship Program

The Rosewood Family Scholarship Program was created to provide student financial
assistance for a maximum of 50 eligible students who attend a state university,
Florida college (public community college), or public postsecondary vocationaltechnical
school. Eligible students must be direct descendants of Rosewood
families affected by the historical incidents of January 1923. Applicants are required
to supply the descendant information on the Florida Financial Aid Application for
verification. Funds for the Rosewood Family Scholarship are contingent each year
upon the appropriations made available to the Office of Student Financial Assistance
(OSFA) by the Florida Legislature

  • Bright Futures Scholarships

Bright Futures Scholarships are awarded, based primarily on academic achievement, to recent Florida high school graduates who are pursuing an undergraduate degree at a public college or university in the state. Scholarship amounts vary based on GPA, scores on college entrance exams, community service hours and other factors.

Evaluations are based on information from your school district and the Florida Department of Education. You should verify your information and your eligibility with your school counselor. more on Florida student aid