Georgia – University and College List

The following is a list of Universities in the state of Georgia:


List of Community Colleges in the state of Georgia:

  • Andrew College
  • Georgia Military College
  • Technical College System of Georgia
    • Albany Technical College
    • Athens Technical College
    • Atlanta Technical College
    • Augusta Technical College
    • Central Georgia Technical College
    • Chattahoochee Technical College
    • Coastal Pines Technical College
    • Columbus Technical College
    • Georgia Northwestern Technical College
    • Georgia Piedmont Technical College
    • Gwinnett Technical College
    • North Georgia Technical College
    • Savannah Technical College
    • Southeastern Technical College
    • Southern Crescent Technical College
    • Southern Regional Technical College (GA)
    • West Georgia Technical College
    • Wiregrass Georgia Technical College
  • University System of Georgia (2-year campuses)
    • Atlanta Metropolitan College
    • Bainbridge State College
    • Darton College
    • East Georgia College
    • Georgia Highlands College
    • Georgia Perimeter College

Georgia College Student Financial aid options:

  • Georgia Military College State Service Scholarship

Georgia Military College (GMC) State Service Scholarship Loan Program is a service cancelable loan program created to provide outstanding students with a full two-year scholarship loan. The student must agree to serve in the Georgia National Guard for a period of four years to complete service repayment (two years while attending GMC and two years after graduation).

  • Georgia National Guard Service Cancelable Loan

The Georgia National Guard Service Cancelable Loan was established as an incentive for qualified men and women to join the GNG and to retain skilled, productive citizens within the state. It is a student financial aid program that provides loans to be used towards the cost of tuition in an undergraduate program at an eligible postsecondary institution.

  • Georgia Public Safety Memorial Grant

Public Safety Memorial Grant provides assistance to the dependent children of Georgia public safety officers who were permanently disabled or killed in the line of duty. Funds may be used toward the cost of attendance at eligible colleges or universities in Georgia.

  • Helping Educate Reservists and their Offspring (HERO) Scholarship

Helping Educate Reservists and their Offspring (HERO) Scholarship provides assistance to members of the Georgia National Guard and U.S. Military Reservists, their children and spouses, who were deployed overseas on active duty service, on or after February 1, 2003, to a location designated as a combat zone.

  • John R. Justice

The John R. Justice Prosecutors and Defenders Incentive Act of 2008 was passed by Congress to encourage qualified individuals to enter or continue employment as prosecutors and public defenders. The Georgia Student Finance Authority (GSFA) is the designated state agency responsible for administering this program. Applicants applied to GSFA based on the programmatic criteria set forth by the United States Department of Justice (USDOJ).

  • Move On When Ready (MOWR)

Move On When Ready (MOWR) Program is a dual credit enrollment program for eligible high school and home study students who wish to earn postsecondary level coursework for credit toward both high school and college credit requirements. The program is offered during the fall, winter, spring and summer terms of the school year, and may cover the cost of standard undergraduate tuition, mandatory fees and a book allowance.

  • Scholarship for Engineering Education for Minorities

Scholarship for Engineering Education for Minorities (MSEE) Service Cancelable Loan
In an attempt to attract diverse engineering scholars in the future, the Scholarship for Engineering Education for Minorities (MSEE) offers financial assistance to create qualified workers in Georgia.

Created in 2015, MSEE is a service cancelable loan available to upperclassmen at eligible state colleges that can be used for tuition, room and board, or other educational expenses. In return, students agree to work in Georgia after graduation in an engineering-related field for a reduction in the loan’s balance.

  • Scholarship for Engineering Education (SEE)

Scholarship for Engineering Education (SEE) Program provides financial assistance to Georgia residents attending an eligible private postsecondary institution and enrolled in an engineering program of study approved by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accrediting Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET). The purpose of the program is to attract and grow the number of qualified engineers in Georgia. In return, students agree to work for a period of time after graduation in an engineering-related field in Georgia.

  • Student Access Loan (SAL) Program

Student Access Loan (SAL) Program is a one percent (1%) interest loan program designed to assist undergraduate students enrolled at a public, private or technical college or university who have a gap in meeting their educational costs. Students who attend an eligible USG or private postsecondary institution have a maximum annual limit of $8,000 and have service cancellation options available to those who work in select public service sectors or STEM fields. Students who attend an eligible TCSG postsecondary institution have a maximum annual limit of $3,000 and have a loan discharge option available to those who graduate from their program of study, for which the loan was received, with a minimum 3.50 cumulative postsecondary grade point average.

  • Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG)

Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG) provides grant assistance toward educational costs to Georgia residents enrolled at an eligible private college or university. Students must be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate program of study leading to an undergraduate degree.

  • University of North Georgia (UNG) Military Scholarship Loan Program

University of North Georgia (UNG) Military Scholarship Loan Program is a service cancelable loan program that provides full scholarships to enable outstanding Georgia students, interested in pursuing a military career, to attend the University of North Georgia. Loan recipients agree to serve in the Army National Guard for eight years (four while enrolled at UNG and four after graduation).

  • University of North Georgia (UNG) ROTC Grant and ROTC Grant for Future Officers

University of North Georgia ROTC Grant and ROTC Grant for Future Officers provides grant assistance toward the cost of education by encouraging Georgia residents to attend the University of North Georgia and participate in the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program and promotes students to military leadership positions upon graduation. more on Georgia student aid