Nebraska – University and College List

The following is a list of Universities in the state of Nebraska:


List of Community Colleges in the state of Nebraska:

  • Central Community College
  • Little Priest Tribal College
  • Metropolitan Community College
  • Mid-Plains Community College
  • Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture
  • Nebraska Indian Community College
  • Northeast Community College
  • Southeast Community College
  • Western Nebraska Community College

Nebraska Student FInancial Aid & Scholarship Options

Access College Early (ACE) Scholarship Program

The ACE Scholarship Progam pays student tuition and mandatory fees for qualified, low-income high school students to enroll in college courses from Nebraska colleges or universities, either through dual-enrollment or early enrollment agreements with these institutions. High school students may apply for funding under this program by completing the ACE Student Application, which is reviewed by the Coordinating Commission for award consideration.

To qualify for the scholarship, the student or student’s family must be approved to participate in one of the federal need-based government programs listed below, have experienced an extreme hardship that affects family income, or be participating in a designated Career Education program as established by the Nebraska Department of Education.

  • Free or Reduced Price Lunch Program
  • Supplemental Security Income
  • Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Special Supplemental Assistance Program (WIC)
  • The student must provide documentation verifying approval to participate in the program or of the hardship.

Nebraska Opportunity Grant (NOG)

The State of Nebraska provides the Nebraska Opportunity Grant (NOG) – formerly the Nebraska State Grant – to students who meet certain qualifications. Qualifications include being a Nebraska resident, attending a Nebraska postsecondary institution, and having a minimum EFC as determined by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

The NOG is awarded through postsecondary institutions within the state. Therefore, students must apply to the school to be considered for the grant. All institutions require applicants to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) which is available from high school counselors, the EducationQuest College Planning offices located in Nebraska or on line at

FAFSA Completion Initiative

Nebraska’s Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education has partnered with the U.S. Department of Education to launch the FAFSA Completion Initiative in Nebraska. This partnership allows the Coordinating Commission to provide FAFSA completion information to school districts, high schools and other designated entities.

High schools and other entities can use this information to:

  • Provide student-specific FAFSA completion assistance
  • Encourage college acceptance and enrollment
  • Help students find financial aid for college
  • Use FAFSA completion as a key performance measure
  • Increase their school’s college-going rate
  • If your high school is interested in participating, contact Ritchie Morrow at or 402-471-0032.

AQHF Nebraska Quarter Horse Youth Scholarship
Award Amount

The Nebraska Quarter Horse Youth Scholarship is for students who have been members of AQHA or AQHYA for at least one year and are from Nebraska. Members must apply during their senior year of high school or while enrolled at an accredited college, university, or vocational school. Recipient must maintain a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA. Current or previous AQHF scholarship recipients are not eligible. Funding for this scholarship will be applied to a four-year degree program of the student’s choice.


The U.S. Army ROTC Scholarship Program provides financial assistance for the education and training of highly qualified and motivated Regular Army Active Duty, enlisted Soldiers who desire to be commissioned as officers in the Army after graduation from college. The deadline for submission of Green to Gold ADO and Scholarship Applications will be determined upon opening of the application window.

This Scholarship is awarded for two, three, or four years.Scholarship Requirements:

  • U.S. Citizen (non-waiverable)
  • Age – you must be under 31 years of age on 31 December of the year you complete all requirements for a commission. You must have acquired your bachelor’s degree by this time. This is a statutory requirement and there are no waivers authorized.
  • No criminal convictions.
  • You must have served a minimum of two-years Active Duty as well as three months of Active Duty for every one month of specialized training (a waiver can be requested).
  • GT score of 110 or greater.
  • Pass the APFT within the last six months with score of 180 or higher, minimum of 60 points in each event.
  • High School Graduate or equivalent.
  • Cumulative High School or College GPA of 2.5.
  • Letter of Acceptance to School of Choice offering Army ROTC.
  • Letter of Acceptance from the PMS of that Army ROTC Battalion.
  • Favorable National Agency Check.
  • DODMERB Medical Qualification.
  • No more than three dependents including spouse (waiverable).
  • Four-year applicants must have a minimum ACT score of 19 or a minimum SAT score of 1000 (waiverable).

more on Neberaska Student Financial Aid