Arkansas – University and College List

The following is a list of Universities in the state of Arkansas:


The State of Arkansas has more than 40 universities and Colleges which include 10 four-year universities, 22 two-year colleges, 12 private universities and 1 academic health center. The above list and links will lead you directly to their respective website.

There are various types of scholarships available to students. In addition to the State scholarships offered by ADHE, the Federal financial aid offered through the FAFSA and institutional scholarships offered by colleges, Students can also apply for private scholarships. Private scholarships are offered through several different businesses and organizations. You can also check on a Brand which makes products and do a search for scholoarchips offered.

  • Academic Challenge Scholarships:
    The Academic Challenge Program provides scholarships to Arkansas residents pursuing a higher education. Funded in large part by the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery, the Academic Challenge Scholarship is available to students regardless of their academic status, whether just graduating from high school, currently enrolled in college, enrolling in college for the first time, or re-enrolling after a period of time out of college.
  • Governor’s Distinguished Scholarship:
    The Governor’s Distinguished Scholarship is the most academically rigorous scholarship program offered for those graduating seniors scoring either 32 on the ACT or 1410 on the SAT, and a 3.50 academic grade point average. Those who are named National Merit Finalists or National Achievement Scholars may qualify without meeting the GPA requirement, but must still meet the ACT/SAT requirement. The scholarship pays tuition, mandatory fees, room and board up to $10,000 per year.
  • Higher Education Opportunities Grant (GO! Grant):
    Provides $1000 grants to full-time and $500 grants to part-time students based on financial need. Student must be an Arkansas resident for at least 12 months prior to applying for the grant. Student also must meet the financial need criteria established for the GO! Grant and attend an approved Arkansas institution. Applicants complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the GO! Opportunities Grant application.
  • The YOUniversal is the scholarship management system used by the State of Arkansas. YOUniversal was created by the Information Network of Arkansas in 2010 with the addition of the Arkansas Lottery funding to the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship. The system is a universal scholarship search, meaning one application can determine eligibility for all of the state’s scholarship programs.

more on Arkansas

List of Community Colleges in the state of Arkansas:

  • Arkansas Northeastern College
  • Arkansas State University System (2-year campuses)
    • Beebe
    • Mid-South
    • Mountain Home
    • Newport
  • Black River Technical College
  • College of the Ouachitas
  • East Arkansas Community College
  • National Park College
  • North Arkansas College
  • Northwest Arkansas Community College
  • Ozarka College
  • Pulaski Technical College
  • Rich Mountain Community College
  • South Arkansas Community College
  • Southeast Arkansas College
  • Southern Arkansas University Tech (2-year campus)
  • University of Arkansas System (2-year campuses)
    • Community College at Batesville
    • Community College at Hope
    • Community College at Morrilton
    • Cossatot Community College
    • Phillips Community College